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Serves 2

  • 200g chicken breast, chopped

  • 4 cups cauliflower, chopped

  • 4 shallots, chopped

  • 1 cup parsley, chopped

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 1 tbsp. turmeric

  • 1/2 cup feta cheese, crumbled

  • 1 tbsp. Italian herbs

  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil




  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees

  2. Heat coconut oil in a non-stick fry pan over medium temperature and cook the chicken with Italian herbs, salt and pepper for 6 minutes or until cooked

  3. Meanwhile, boil water in a saucepan over medium temperature and add the cauliflower to the water. Cook for 6 minutes. Once cooked drain the water from the saucepan

  4. Transfer the cauliflower to a baking dish. Mix through the garlic, chicken, turmeric, shallots and parsley

  5. Sprinkle the feta cheese over the top. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown on the top

  6. Divide the meal into two serves. Dish one serving on a plate and refrigerate the remaining meal for tomorrow’s leftover

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